Digital cameras alone don't make good pictures - it takes the helping hand of Photoshop to
make your photos shine. This tutorial-video shows you why ...
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Digital Cameras have made it easier than ever to take great pictures. But even with the best camera,
it takes a bit of work with Photoshop to really get the most out of your images. Small issues like
lens flares or dust spots can quickly ruin a photographic moment, and it's often necessary to remove
the "digital haze" that comes with photos that are too light or dark to perfectly reflect the scene
you captured.
In this 3-hour tutorial by seasoned photographer, educator and Adobe author Dan Moughamian, you'll
learn how to take your favorite photos and make them even better. You'll learn important skills like
working with Adobe Camera Raw to improve tonality and contrast, and using Adjustment Layers to
fine-tune the color and mood of your images. The most important photography workflow topics are
covered, to ensure you get the best image, every time. There's also detailed coverage of
photo-retouching skills like noise reduction, removing lens spots, blemish repair, and perspective
This is a comprehensive tutorial, but you don't need to watch it all. Use the search functions and
detailed menus to quickly find important topics - that's the essence of Nonlinear Educating using
Chapter 1: Bridge CS4
Section 1: Importing Photos
01. Introduction
02. System Downloads vs. Photo Downloader
03. Choosing Your Source Location
04. Creating a Save Location
05. Renaming Your Photos
06. Advanced Downloader Options
07. Applying Metadata to Your Photos
Section 2: Viewing & Evaluating Photos
08. Important Bridge Preferences
09. Customizing Your Workspace
10. Navigating Quickly & Easily
11. Previewing & Comparing Photos
12. Evaluating Sharpness with the Loupe
Section 3: Organizing Your Photos
13. Ranking & Labeling Your Photos
14. Applying Keywords
15. Metadata Introduction
16. IPTC & Metadata Templates
17. Sorting & Filtering Your Photos
18. Grouping Shots with Collections
Chapter 2: Adobe Camera Raw (ACR)
Section 4: Understanding Raw Workflow
19. What is a Raw File?
20. Camera Raw Preferences
21. ACR Workspace
22. Workflow Options Dialog
23. File Saving Options
24. Toolbar Overview
25. Cropping & Straightening Images
26. Removing Dust & Lens Spots
27. Adjustment Brush
28. Graduated Filter
Section 5: Advanced Camera Raw Edits
29. The Basics Panel
30. The Curves Panel
31. The Details Panel - Sharpen
32. The Details Panel - Noise Reduction
33. The HSL/Grayscale Panel
34. The Split-toning Panel
35. The Lens Corrections Panel
36. Simultaneous ACR Edits
37. Camera Raw Presets & Calibration
38. Image Handling & ACR Defaults
Chapter 3:Photoshop CS4
Section 6: Photoshop Setup
39. Basic Preferences
40. Performance Preferences
41. Custom Workspace Options
42. Color Settings
43. Document Metadata
44. Your Working Environment
45. Screen Modes
46. Extras & Rulers
47. Grids & Snapping
48. New Rotate & Zoom Options
49. Working with Multiple Images
50. Recommended File Formats
Section 7: Enhancing Color & Tonality
51. Histogram Redux
52. Using The Levels Command
53. Adjustment Layers Defined
54. Using the Adjustments Panel - Curves
55. Isolating Image Adjustments - Color Balance
56. Layer Masks & the Masks Panel
57. Hue & Saturation Adjustment
58. Vibrance Adjustment
59. Photo Filters Adjustment
60. Color Range Selections & Masks
61. Creating Black & White Images
62. Shadow & Highlight Smart Object
Section 8: Retouching Techniques
63. Clone Tool & Clone Source Panel
64. The Spot Healing Brush
65. The Healing Brush
66. The Patch Tool
67. Maintaining Realism with Fade
68. Improved Dodge & Burn
69. Improved Sponge Tool
70. Vivid Light & Color Burn
71. Gradient Adjustments
Section 9: Perspective Correction Techniques
72. Perspective Crops
73. Perspective Transform
74. Distort Transform
75. Scale and Cleanup
76. Lens Correction Filter
77. Vanishing Point Filter
Section 10: Additional Retouching Techniques
78. Lens Blur Filter
79. Warp Transforms
80. Liquify Filter
Section 11: Sharpening & Output Considerations
81. Unsharp Mask Filter
82. High Pass Filter Technique
83. Creating Borders & Captions
84. Creating Watermarks
85. Copyright Notices
86. Save For Web
87. CMYK Soft-Proofing
88. Inkjet Printing Tips
89. Closing Remarks