Borland Software Corporation | 2001 | 248 pages | PDF | 5 MB
The Web Application Developer�s Guide presents some of the technologies available for developing web-based multi-tier applications. A web application is a collection of HTML/XML documents, web components (servlets and JavaServer Pages), and other resources in either a directory structure or archived format known as a web archive (WAR) file. A web application is located on a central server and provides service to a variety of clients.
This book details how these technologies are surfaced in JBuilder and how you work with them in the IDE and the editor. It also explains how these technologies fit together in a web application. Choose one of the following topics for more information:
� Chapter 2, �Overview of the web application development process�
Introduces the technologies discussed in this book, including applets,
servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSPs), and InternetBeans Express.
� Chapter 3, �Working with WebApps and WAR files�
Explains how to create a web application and archive it into a WAR file
in JBuilder. This chapter also discusses general WebApp concepts and
� Chapter 4, �Working with applets�
Explains how to create applets in JBuilder and deploy them to a web
server. Discusses the main issues involved in applet development and
deployment and presents solutions.
� Chapter 5, �Working with servlets�
Introduces servlets and the servlet API.
� Chapter 6, �Creating servlets in JBuilder�
Explains the Servlet wizard options, how to run servlets, how to
internationalize them, and how to create data-aware servlets.
� Chapter 7, �Tutorial: Creating a simple servlet�
Takes you through the steps of writing a simple servlet that accepts
user input and counts the number of visitors to a site.
� Chapter 8, �Tutorial: Creating a servlet that updates a guestbook�
Takes you through the steps of writing a servlet that connects to a
JDataStore database, accepts user input, and saves data back to the
� Chapter 9, �Developing JavaServer Pages�
Introduces JSPs and the JSP API. Explains how to use the JSP wizard to
create a JSP.
� Chapter 10, �Tutorial: Creating a JSP using the JSP wizard�
Takes you through the steps of writing a JSP that accepts and displays
user input and counts how many times a web page has been visited.
� Chapter 11, �Using InternetBeans Express�
Explains the InternetBeans library and how to use the components with
servlets and JSPs.
� Chapter 12, �Tutorial: Creating a servlet with InternetBeans Express�
Takes you through the steps of writing a servlet that uses InternetBeans
components to query a database table and displays its contents, accept
user input, and save it back to the database.
� Chapter 13, �Tutorial: Creating a JSP with InternetBeans Express�
Takes you through the steps of writing a JSP that uses InternetBeans
components to query a database table and displays its contents, accept
user input, and save it back to the database.
� Chapter 14, �Configuring your web server�
Explains how to configure your web server for running in JBuilder.
� Chapter 15, �Working with web applications in JBuilder�
Explains how to compile, run, and debug servlets and JSPs.
� Chapter 16, �Deploying your web application�
Explains how to manage your web application�s deployment
descriptors, use JBuilder�s deployment descriptor editor, and deploy
your web application.
� Chapter 17, �Launching your web application with Java Web Start�
Explains how to use Web Start to launch non-web applications from a
web browser.
� Chapter 18, �Using the Borland Enterprise Server Web Edition�
Provides an overview of the Core Services, Partition Services, and the
IIOP Connection features available in the Borland Enterprise Server
Web Edition.
This document contains many links to external web sites. These web
addresses and links were valid as of this printing. Borland does not maintain
these web sites and can not be responsible for their content or longevity.
If you have questions specific to developing web application applications
in JBuilder, you can post them to the Servlet-JSP newsgroup,
borland.public.jbuilder.servlet-jsp, by browsing to
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