Thursday, April 16, 2009

Visual Studio Team System Features

This set of videos was created for use by the Visual Studio Team System group for marketing their purposes. It focuses on the features of Visual Studio Team System for building enterprise-class software with features that help to automate and guide the entire team through the full life-cycle development process.

The following videos are available for this series:

Static Analysis of Unmanaged C/C++ Code
Static analysis features in VSTS allow you to perform a code review against a set of rules that can be customized and extended. This video demonstrates how to utilize the Static Coverage tool in VSTS for your unmanaged C/C++ code
Code Coverage
After running unit tests against your code, you may want to determine how complete your unit tests are and what code has not been tested by the current collection of tests. VSTS Code Coverage provides both a visual tool as well as tabular metrics on the effectiveness of your unit tests. This video demonstrates how to enable and interpret code coverage data.
Static Analysis of Managed Code
Static analysis features in VSTS allow you to perform a code review against a set of rules that can be customized and extended. This video demonstrates how to utilize the Static Coverage tool in VSTS for your managed C# or Visual Basic code.
Profiling ASP.NET Applications
Profiling allows you to see where the performance bottle necks are in your application so that you can improve its speed and responsiveness. This video demonstrates how to take advantage of Profile for web-based ASP.NET applications and view the results of profiling sessions.
Profiling Windows Applications
Profiling allows you to see where the performance bottle necks are in your application so that you can improve its speed and responsiveness. This video demonstrates how to take advantage of Profile for .NET Windows applications and view the results of profiling sessions.
Generating and Running a Unit Test
Unit Tests allow developers to perform quick checks against individual or collections of methods to ensure that functionality continues to perform as expected, especially after adding more code to the project. This video demonstrates how to easily generate new unit tests directly from your source code.
Class Design with the Visual Studio 2005 Class Designer
The Class Designer allows Architects and Developers to design the implementation details of the classes that comprise a system. The Visual Studio 2005 Class Designer provides two ?iews?of the functionality Sa (traditional) code view and a designer view. This video demonstrates how to utilize the Class Designer to design and implement classes for your applications.
Refactoring Classes using the VS2005 Class Designer
The Class Designer provides two views of the same source used to create applications. This includes the code view, which most developers have grown accustomed to, as well as a designer view which provides a visual way of describing source. This video demonstrates and further explains what this means and how to utilize it during development.
Using the Visual Studio 2005 Class Designer for Creating Documentation
The Class Designer can also be used to produce documentation for developers, the support team, the maintenance team and more. This video demonstrates a few of the ways that this can be accomplished.
Visualizing code using the Visual Studio 2005 Class Designer
The Class Designer provides two views of the same source used to create applications. This includes the code view, which most developers have grown accustomed to, as well as a designer view which provides a visual way of describing source. This video demonstrates and further explains what this means and how to utilize it during development.
Designing a Distributed Application using the Application Designer
The Application Designer allows an Architect to identify and define the major components or tiers of an application? architecture. This video demonstrates how to utilize the Application Designer to compose systems.
Binding a Distributed Application to a Logical Datacenter Diagram using the Deployment Designer
The Application Designer can be used in conjunction with the Logical Datacenter Diagram to validate deployments of a proposed application design against the current server architecture as defined in the Logical Datacenter Diagram.
Importing IIS Settings into the Distributed System Designers
In order to accurately define the Logical Data Center Diagram, it would be helpful to import settings from those servers that host IIS. This video demonstrates how to perform this import operation.
Designing a Logical Datacenter
The Logical Datacenter Diagram documents the servers, their settings and the applications that they can host.
Using the System Designer to Create Composable Systems
A Composable System is a re-usable set of application components and tiers that represent a logical sub-system which can be used to construct potentially many different applications. This video demonstrates how to utilize composable systems with the System Designer.
Extending the Distributed System Designers using the SDM SDK
The Distributed System Designers can be extended to support new and different application types. This can be used by companies to refer to known domain-specific application types to speed design and more easily convey design decisions.
Automating Nightly Builds w/ Team Build
This video highlights the ConsoleBuild utility that allows Team Build types to be executed from the timeline and schedule using Windows Scheduler.
Customizing the Build Process w/ Team Build
Team Build allows teams to define the settings for a build, including the projects, configurations locations for the completed build and more. It also collects pertinent metrics and information regarding changesets and work items satisfied from each execution of the build and stores them in the data warehouse. This video demonstrates how to create a new Build Type and explains many of the settings when defining it.
Using the Team Explorer
The Team Explorer window is integrated directly in the VSTS IDE and is the main tool used to view work items, manage documents, build types and more. This video provides an overview of the Team Explorer.
Configuring Team Foundation Notifications
Team Foundation Server can send notifications to interested individual based on certain events, such as the check-in of code, or the completion of work items. This video demonstrates how to set up these notifications.
Customizing Process Templates
VSTS allows you to customize a process template for your organization? unique implementation of a given process. This video demonstrates the steps required to customize process templates.
Customizing Work Items
This video demonstrates how to customize work items for projects that have already been created based on a process template through the use of the VSTS Extensibility Kit and XML.
Microsoft Excel Integration
This video demonstrate Microsoft Project? integration with VSTS for creating and updating work items, and retrieving work item data for the purpose of reporting, to do lists, and more.
Microsoft Project Integration
This video demonstrates Microsoft Project? integration with VSTS for creating and updating work items, and retrieving work items for the purpose of creating a project plan.
The MSF Agile Process Template
The Microsoft Solution Framework for Agile software development process defines the roles, responsibilities, tasks, deliverables and other guidance that enables rapid application development using adaptive techniques. This video explains its implementation in VSTS.
Project Metrics Data Warehouse
The Project Metrics Data Warehouse collects data from various tools within VSTS and allows reports to be created to evaluate project health and more. This video tours the Project Metrics Data Warehouse and some of the ways data are fed into it.
Navigating the VSTS Project Portal
The Project Portal provides a convenient snapshot of the project's health and can be shared by everyone involved -- and not just the project team members, but all who have a stake in the project's development, such as vice presidents, business analysts and other business sponsors. In this video we demonstrate how to navigate the project portal and highlight some of its features.
Understanding VSTS Reports
In this video we demonstrate how Visual Studio Team System provides easy access to reports that help all the team members determine the current state and health of the project, make fact-based estimates based on real project-metrics and keep up with the changes that are a constant on most projects.
Creating Custom Reports in VSTS
This video demonstrates how to use SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services and the Report Designer to create custom reports that are based on the work item tracking database.
Introduction to Version Control in Visual Studio Team System: Branching
Branching is a feature of Version Control that allows the development team to work on two distinct copies of the project at the same time. In this video we talk about scenarios where you would want to branch and how to do it from VSTS Version Control.
Using Team Foundation Server's Command Line Tools
Team Foundation server is highly scriptable from the command line, allowing users to create command line batch files to automate the execution of multiple commands. This video lists and explains the purpose of several command line utilities, and demonstrates the h.exe utility that provides a command line interface for most of the version control features in VSTS.
Enforcing and Customizing Check-in Policies
This video demonstrates how to create check-in policies, which simply are requirements for developers to perform one or more tasks on code before it is allowed to be checked into the version control system.
Introduction to Version Control in Visual Studio Team System: Check-in/Check-out
Visual Studio Team System contains a powerful Version Control system that is tightly integrated to Team Foundation server. The Version Control system provides functionality common to most source control management systems like checkin, checkout, branching, merging and diffing, and so on. This video demonstrates the basics of checkin and checkout.
Introduction to Version Control in Visual Studio Team System: Changesets
A changeset is a logical container in which Team Foundation stores everything related to a single check in operation: file and folder revisions, links to related work items, check in notes, a comment, policy compliance and system metadata such as owner name and date/time of check in. This video explains in greater detail what changesets are and how to utilize changesets in a branching scenario.
Introduction to Version Control in Visual Studio Team System: Workspaces
A workspace is your client-side copy of the files and folders in the repository. When you add, edit, delete, move, rename, or otherwise manage any source-controlled item, your changes are persisted, or marked as pending changes, in the workspace. This video demonstrates the ins and outs of working with workspaces.
Introduction to Version Control in Visual Studio Team System: Diffing
Diffing is the process of determining the differences between two files that were originally based on the same file and you want to merge the two source code files together back into one file. This video demonstrates how VSTS Version Control walks you through this process.
Introduction to Version Control in Visual Studio Team System: Shelving
Shelving enables you to set aside the pending changes in your workspace to work on a higher priority task or to share your code with another user for code review. This video demonstrates how to utilize shelving in VSTS Version Control.
Creating and Running a Web Test
This video explains the difference between declarative and coded web tests and demonstrates how to set up and run web tests within Visual Studio Team System.
Command Line Test Execution
The command-line utility MSTest.exe is especially useful for automating test runs, to be started in batch files or other utilities. In this video we demonstrate how to utilize this utility for your own test automation scripts.
Creating and Running a Load Test
This video demonstrates how to create and run a load test, which is simply a container of Web tests and unit tests that simulates the performance of the application when placed under stress from many concurrent users.
Creating and Executing a Manual Test
A manual test is a description of test steps that a tester performs. You use manual tests in situations where other test types, such as unit tests or Web tests, would be too difficult or too time consuming to create and run. This video shows how Visual Studio Team System allows you to create and record the results of manual tests.
Managing Test Cases in Visual Studio Team System
During the course of developing enterprise-scale applications that makes full use of unit tests, load tests, web tests and manual tests, you can be left with the unenviable task of possibly managing more files that are related to testing than to the application itself! So fortunately Visual Studio Team system provides a powerful tool to manage all those tests - view information about the tests, filter through them and more. This video demonstrates the use of the Test View window which allows you to accomplish these test management tasks.


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